The Nana Maru (70) Program
The Nana Maru program was initiated by Byakko Shinko Kai in the mid-1990s, as a way of raising humanity’s peace consciousness on a global scale. The words Nana Maru are Japanese for “Seven Zero (70)”, as the original concept was to gather and train a group of 70 people from 70 countries outside Japan.
The training program was carefully thought out, and was made available to people from any faith, culture, or background. The only requirements were a good understanding of Byakko’s philosophy of attaining world peace through a shift in consciousness, along with a strong desire to help promote founder Masahisa Goi’s vision for world peace through prayer. (There is also an age limit due do the physical training required.) Soon, several people began applying for the program.
By the year 2000, over 70 people had successfully completed the training, and due to its popularity the program was extended to allow more people to participate. In 2008, the number of Nana Maru graduates reached 131 individuals from 46 countries.
Spread across the globe, the Nana Maru graduates are instrumental in carrying out world peace prayer activities in their respective countries and regions. As the call for peace and the need for a shift in consciousness becomes ever more urgent, their message is being heard by more and more people, and their role is increasingly important. As a global community, and together with friends in various spiritual disciplines, they are the co-creators of a new paradigm on earth — a world where matter and spirit will reach a harmonious state of balance.
In 2009 the Nana Maru program was put on hold. For further information about the Nana Maru program and its current status, please contact us.
The International Lecturer Course
While the Nana Maru project places a limit on age due to the physical training component, the International Lecturer Course has no age limit, and is intended to reach out to an even broader range of people.
The course is offered to people from any spiritual background interested in the work and philosophy of Byakko Shinko Kai. It is designed for people who would like to study Byakko’s teachings and practices in conjunction with their own spiritual practice, and to assist others in benefiting from Byakko’s methods.
Compared with the Nana Maru program, the ILC is less demanding physically, offering a wonderful balance of study, practice, and light physical training. The course can usually be completed within six months, including a 10-day stay at Fuji Sanctuary to complete the program and receive a formal International Lecturer certificate. At present, 25 people from various countries have successfully completed the program.
The International Lecturer Course is currently open to new applicants, though certain aspects of the program are under review. Please contact us for updated information.