Author Archives: byakko

The Fuji sanctuary 2024 calendar of events

The Fuji sanctuary 2024 calendar of events, its ceremonies both monthly and special events, is available.

Check it, mark the dates, join us as we continue to connect in prayers and meditation for world peace, the awakening of the ‘divine spark’, the joy of constructing together a better world, harmonious, just and loving.

Video Prayer Gathering

Our next LIVE Video Prayer Gathering broadcast will be available to watch on December 24, 2022 (Saturday) at 11 am (time in Japan).
Feel free to join us live on the day, or afterward (same link).
You will be able to watch and join for a period of one week.

*The live broadcast will start 5 minutes before the actual event. 
*If you are not able to see us, try to refresh your page or press the play button.


(link will be shared a few days before the event)

International Peace Award

Several days ago, Ms. Masami Saionji received International Peace Award from President Dr. Arif Alvi of Pakistan.

Ms. Masami Saionji could not be present in person to accept the prestigious International Peace Award. Fr James Channan OP received her award in her stead, with the greatest honor.

An International Interfaith Peace Conference titled “Respect of Humanity and its Importance” was held in Islamabad, Pakistan on November 24th. The chief guest of honor, President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi, along with several Ambassadors, Federal and Provincial Ministers, and some 300 other religious leaders and peace activists attended the event representing the Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and Sikh communities. The event was organized and hosted by Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, Grand Imam of Badshahi Mosque.

President Alvi spoke about the spirit of unity in diversity stressing that all religions of the world emphasized promoting peace and tolerance for the betterment of mankind. He also highlighted the challenges and difficulties of promoting dialogue among religions and threats of extremism and discrimination in the name of religion which can be solved through interfaith harmony and dialogue.

May peace prevail on earth

Video Prayer Gathering

Our next LIVE Video Prayer Gathering broadcast will be available to watch on November 27, 2021 (Saturday) at 11 am (time in Japan).
Feel free to join us live on the day, or afterward (same link).
You will be able to watch and join in a period of one week.

*The live broadcast will start 5 minutes before the actual event. 
*If you are not able to see us, try to refresh your page or press the play button.



Lifetime Achievement Award

   On November 6-9, 2020, City Montessori School (CMS) in Lucknow, the capital of Pradesh state in India, held the 21st International Online Conference of the Chief Justice of the World Supreme Court on the theme ” Global Governance Now – Urgent Need for Post COVID-19.” Masami Sensei was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for World Peace.

   CMS was founded in 1959 and is now recognized by Guinness World Records as the school with the largest number of students in the world with more than 56,000 students enrolled. The school was awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Award in 2002 and is registered with the United Nations Department of Public Information as an NGO.

   The founder of CMS, Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, has from the very beginning been committed to spreading world peace through education and has organized Flag Ceremonies in which all students participate. In addition to holding a regular Flag Ceremony for all students, he also organizes SOPP at CMS in conjunction with the Fuji Sanctuary SOPP. Dr. Gandhi also sent us messages for the SOPP at the Fuji Sanctuary.

   The International Conference of Chief Justices of the Supreme Court has been held every year since 2001 at CMS, with the participation of honorary justices, judges, and sheiks from around the world, contributing to the discussion of various issues facing humanity in order to build a safe and secure future.

   This time, the focus was on global citizenship education that empowers children to become protagonists of individual and social change in building a culture of harmony. The idea was that, after the end of the COVID-19 crisis, we should not return to a world of nationalism, disunity, and discord, but rather we need to work to build a culture of peace in the world.

   Masami Sensei attended the November 8 (third day) panel on the sub-theme ” A New Definition of Security: From Military Security to Health, Work & Social Security” and made the following speech on receiving the award.

   “In my opinion, the most dangerous threat to human security today is the rule less development of Artificial Intelligence (Al). If we allow technology to advance without control, it will lead to the destruction of humanity. We urgently need to establish ethical guidelines before it is too late.
In order to have the world agree on common rules, we must first have a common vision for the future. And, in order to have a common vision for the future, we must have a common understanding of who we are, and why we are here.
I believe that every life is sacred. Every human being is born with a divine spark. The purpose of our life is not to make more money, nor to gain power or fame. Our true mission is to serve others and create peace on earth together.
We must all awaken the spirit of altruism in us. We must express love and compassion towards others, and act for the benefit of all life and future generations.
I envision global governance and security which is based on such values and understanding of life. Let us call for the rule of law to ensure the political and economic freedom of every individual. Let us allow the divine spark to shine forth in all people, so that we may overcome the challenges of our times and build a peaceful world together.
Organized by the City Montessori School, the International Conference of Chief Justices of the World is truly a voice of conscience in this chaotic world. I have the highest hope that your sacred mission will be fulfilled, and you will guide humanity towards a bright future. May Peace Prevail on Earth.”

   Congratulations to Masami Saionji and to all who support her work, and vision for peace. This award equally belongs to all of you.

   May peace prevail on earth

World Unity Wave

On August 5th, 2020 the world’s largest Montessori school, the City Montessori school located in Lucknow, India and headed by Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, presented the “World Unity Wave”, an international online gathering on the eve of 75th anniversary of “Hiroshima Day”. This event was part of the Peace Wave series of events organized around the world.

For many years, Dr Gandhi has been a supporter of the work for world peace that Mrs Masami Saionji has been heading. He was one of the guest speakers invited to participate in the first annual world peace event organized by Byakko Shinko Kai, The Symphony of Peace Prayers.

On the occasion of World Unity Wave, August 5th, Mrs Saionji who was invited as a guest speaker, was given the opportunity to share a message with the participants online.

Below is Mrs Saionji’ s message that emphasizes the importance of education in relation to world peace, in praise and deep respect to Dr Gandhi’s life work. 

Mrs Saionji’ message.

I am honored to be part of the “World Unity Wave.”
I deeply appreciate Dr. Jagdish Gandhi for bringing together students and teachers at the City Montessori School, acknowledging the day when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima 75 years ago.
Rather than letting this tragic event fade into history, he turned it into an opportunity to educate the new generations in the study of life.
I myself feel deeply that education of life is the key to building peace on earth.
Regardless of differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion or culture, all lives are equal, divine, and sacred. Inside every single one of us resides divinity. All humanity is divine.

A divine being has infinite potential, infinite love, creativity, healing power, and infinite wisdom.
However, many are too busy giving their power to money, fame, and to other people.
They do not know how to empower themselves; they compare themselves to others and often criticize themselves, saying “I can’t do it,” “it’s impossible.”
This collective negative energy results in wars, and so many other conflicts in this world. It was created by each one of us—by our consciousness.
When all of humanity awakens to truth, while becoming aware of its innate divine spark, and decides not to depend on outside power, a shift towards peace is possible.

In order for each one of us to awaken, Dr. Gandhi is offering education and messages that embody life and peace.
I deeply respect and resonate with his noble, steadfast work.

May peace prevail on Earth

World Unity Week 2020


Organized by a group called “Unity Earth”, a festival of peace called “World UNITY Week” took place on the Internet from June 20th to 27th.

As part of the various programs that unfolded all along the week, a video introducing the Fuji Sanctuary and a special prayer in motion, called the Divine Spark IN was presented on the 24th.

World UNITY Week was an 8-day celebration of our global unity, beginning with the mid-year solstice and winding towards the celebrations of the UN 75th anniversary.

Key events included the UN International Day of Yoga, the launch of Purpose Earth and 5 days of “open space” offerings. Key conversations during World UNITY Week spotlighted topics such as: collective climate action, partnerships for peace, global governance, interfaith harmony, sustainable and regenerative development and other key elements of a new kind of future that we want to create.

Various videos and online live events and talks were aired on the UNIFY Network (Facebook) with over 1.2 million members and about 250 Facebook through the SINE Network.

Masami Saionji, head of the spiritual organization the Byakko Shinko Kai, was given the opportunity to share a message from the Fuji Sanctuary, headquarters of Byakko. Standing in front of the large world map, she spoke of the most important thing humanity must awake to and act upon, the reawakening of the Divine Spark, our Sacred inner life inherent in each and every human being, and the most urgent need of the hour. 

The Divine Spark IN, a specific spiritual practice aiming at this heightened awareness, was presented by Yuka, Maki, and Rika Saionji. They too were given the opportunity to introduce the Fuji Sanctuary, including its Peace Path lined up with Peace Poles bearing the message of peace, May Peace Prevail on Earth in every country’s language.

Mrs. Masami Saionji message:

“Every human being on this earth, no matter what race religion color of skin or nationality, possess divine spark. All are sublime and all have the right to live equally, all are shining divine sparks. Divine spark is inherent to us, from the moment we are born, it is embedded in our spirit which is infinite love, life, creation, infinite intuition, healing and hope…and infinite light itself. By bringing out the divine spark, that is embedded in all of us, we are able to create a peaceful harmonious world together. It is not too late. We must first have confidence in ourselves, have no doubt and respect ourselves, and seriously think of our life and be responsible for it. The most important is not to degrade yourself, to suppress your divine spark, and your own possibility. I have been thinking about how to reach our divine spark and today I teach the Divine Spark IN. This is embodying the ultimate truth, using our own body movements and a deep breathing technique. It is time for us to shine our divine sparks.”

May peace prevail on earth

Click here if you wish to watch the event recording online


Luxembourg Peace Award

On Friday, 14 June 2019, peace activists from around the world gathered at the historic European Parliament Building in Luxembourg to celebrate the 2019 Luxembourg Peace Prize Laureates.

The Luxembourg Peace Award ceremony was held with nearly 150 people, including the Ministers of Labor in Luxembourg, Ambassadors of Ethiopia and Eritrea, Embassy of the United States of America, Rotary Club Representatives and other politicians interested in peace, researchers, scientists and doctors, film directors, actors, artists, etc.

The event was opened with a mandala flag ceremony which brought peaceful warmth and unity. After that the peace award ceremony has started.

The peace awards were given in 10 categories:
Peace journalism, peace support, art for peace, peace organizations, peace education, peace activist, peace technology, environmental peace, peace process, inner peace.

After the award presentation, a speech was given by each of the laureates.

Masami Saionji was given a peace prize in the Outstanding peace activist category for her dedication and work for peace. In her speech she expressed her gratitude to all the people who supported her work over many years, and said that without them, she would never receive any peace award. She also stated that real peace will never manifest unless each and every individual change their own consciousness.

To read more about the Luxembourg Peace Prize, please visit their website at

Hand in Hand, Korea


From April 26-28, Byakko Chairperson Masami Saionji and Vice Chairperson Rika Saionji took part in the “4.27 DMZ International Peace Conference” in Cheorwon, South Korea, which borders the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The conference marked one year since the 2018 inter-Korean summit, where South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un shook hands and made a historic declaration of peace at the DMZ.

Organized by Seeds of Peace and the National Council of YMCAs of Korea, the conference was co-hosted by the Border Peace School, Kangwon National University Institute for Unification, Seoul National University Institute of Social Development, Sungkonghoe University, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs, and Women Peace Movement Networks, and sponsored by Kangwon Provincial Office, Cheorwon County Office, and Gangwon Daily Newspaper.

The conference had three main purposes: (1) to encourage people to participate and take on various roles for the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula, (2) to help shape international public opinion for the success of international political negotiations, and (3) to vitalize academic discussions for the peaceful development of the Gangwon-do DMZ peace area.

On April 26, the conference opened at the Cheorwan DMZ Peace Culture Plaza, with a keynote address from Max Ediger (international peace campaigner and former director of the School of Peace in Asia) and a discussion of the “People’s Peace Movement.” In the afternoon, participants had the opportunity to hear about the international “Women Crossing the DMZ” movement from Founder and International Director Christine Ahn, as well as about the “DMZ People’s Peace Chain” that would be taking place the following day.

At a dinner reception that evening, Masami Saionji had the opportunity to say a few words of greeting and deliver a brief message to the participants. Her words were very well received, and participants remarked that she came across as a very humble and noble individual. Later, Rika Saionji spoke about the prayer May peace prevail on Earth and the peace pole movement. She also presented small peace poles and peace dolls to all the participants.

The next day, April 27, the conference shifted into a peace walk and vigil, entitled “Hand in Hand.” It was organized by Dr. Peter Jiseok Jung, Director of the Border Peace School in Cheorwon, who was a guest speaker at the 2017 Symphony of Peace Prayers at Fuji Sanctuary. In his quest for peace on the Korean peninsula, and to follow up on last year’s historic summit, Dr. Jung envisioned an event in which people would join hands in peace along the border of North and South Korea.

Altogether, some 200,000 people gathered at the DMZ to join hands for peace. They included students from elementary school through university, educators, religious leaders, homemakers, local residents, and many others. The event began with music and dance performances by students, expressing their wishes for peace and unity. This was followed by a Christian ceremony. Next, small national flags brought from Fuji Sanctuary were handed out to some of the participants, who then climbed to the top of Soi Mountain—about a forty-minute journey. Masami Saionji joined in this peace walk. Other participants joined hands from east to west along the border of the DMZ.

The day’s events were widely covered by local media, including newspapers and TV news. Masami Saionji gave an interview to a local TV station and took photos with participants at a peace pole that is planted at the top of the mountain. Photos and videos from the day can be viewed on the event’s Facebook page (in Korean), via the following link:

On April 28, a meeting was held at the Border Peace School, in which Masami and Rika Saionji talked with a small group of participants from various countries. These included Dr. Jung and Max Edigar, who gave the keynote address two days earlier, as well as participants who had come from Israel, Palestine, and India at Masami’s invitation.

They discussed the importance of each individual’s consciousness in bringing peace to areas of conflict. Masami remarked that the root of the problem lies not with governments or religions, but in our habit of thinking and speaking negatively of ourselves, treating ourselves as powerless. We have come to rely on leaders and experts, handing our innate power and ability over to them, she said, and rather than focusing on the past, we need to turn our consciousness toward the future we want to create, just as Dr. Jung did with this event.

Dr. Jung thanked everyone for their support in making his vision a reality, after which Ms. Katzil Mazal from Israel offered her impressions. She expressed her wish for the peace and harmony of not only herself and her family, but of all people on earth. For this reason, she plans to share her experience of this “Hand-in-Hand” event with people back home, in the hope that it can help to bring peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Mr. Wadhwa Krishan Kumar, the guest from India, said that he would like to hold a similar event on the India-Pakistan border as well, to promote peace between those two countries. All participants agreed that they would like to see “Hand-in-Hand” spread around the world, as a way for individual citizens to create peace in the world.


On October 23rd, the Fuji Sanctuary welcomed Mr. Takashi Otsuka, an advocate of Synecoculture farming. He was invited to give a lecture on the subject. 

Byakko Shinko Kai encourages a way of life that is not separated from spiritual practices on the one hand and the life and ways of living on the planet on the other.

Byakko presents a teaching that is totally interconnected. What concerns the life of the earth concerns the life of each and everyone, the awakening to the sacred consciousness of the individual, its divine spark, as well as a rooted way of life based on gratitude for all life on earth, paramount to a new harmonious peaceful way of living, all at the base of Byakko’s teachings.

Thus, we have welcomed with pleasure and deep interest Mr. Takashi Otsuka, a specialist in Synecoculture theory, which is based on principles of harmony and love, aiming for restoration of the global environment, healthy humanity and a world where children never meet with hunger.

Synecoculture farming is a system in which a grand variety of plants can grow densely without intense farming of the land and without any use of fertilizers or pesticides. This system draws out the original power of nature in which animals, insects, plants, weeds, trees or fruit trees, grow and live in harmonious coexistence.

Mr. Masatoshi Funabashi, a student of Mr. Takashi and researcher at the Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc., led a project based on Synecoculture in Burkina Faso in West Africa. In one year, Mr. Funabashi developed a crop field in a desert that yielded twenty times more produce than an average farmer.

The results of this successful project have been published in the September issue of the Japanese Chichi magazine. This theory was also published in the world’s most prestigious science magazine “Nature”.

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Takashi Otsuka will visit the Fuji Sanctuary again in November, for a follow up and more on Synecoculture.

The Divine Spark IN Website

A new website, dedicated exclusively to The Divine Spark IN, has been recently created.

The Divine Spark IN is a new method for all people to awaken the divine spark within and create a world of peace and harmony.

It is a meditation in motion—a spiritual tool that is easy for anyone to learn and to practice. 

We invite you to discover the Divine Spark IN and join the growing number of people who are already part of the global shift in consciousness and discover the true divine being that resides deep inside you.

Please feel free to visit by clicking here.

Peaceful Conscious Breathing Video

A new video with an easy guidance to Peaceful Conscious Breathing is now available on our YouTube channel… both English and Spanish versions.

Click on the following link for the English version or the Spanish version.


To refresh and replenish our spirit and soul, Peaceful Conscious Breathing is an invitation to pause and connect with the deepest levels of our inner being as well as our emotions, which are intricately linked to our breath.

Let yourself be guided and inspired by the technique itself and by the variety of examples suggested in the video, feel free to explore and feel for yourself how much you can harmonize breath and thought, in daily life and situations, with this simple, powerful and practical technique.

The Divine Spark IN

On July 2nd 2017, at the July Grand Ceremony at the Fuji Sanctuary in Japan, a new IN for Awakening the Divine Spark, called the Divine Spark IN, has been learned by all participants.

The Divine Spark IN urges us to awaken to the truth that we human beings are, by nature, sacred existences, filled with infinite love, infinite wisdom, and infinite ability. It guides all humanity toward a rebirth of our sacred consciousness—our divine spark. 

This IN is formed with deep, peaceful breathing combined with an awareness of our sacred, divine nature. Through each movement, we give expression to our sacred consciousness and become one with it. We affirm all human beings to be sacred divine lives, and we send this truth and this energy out to all humanity.

By forming this IN and recalling our own divine nature, we undergo a transformation within ourselves. We become filled with divinity, we exhibit infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite ability, infinite intuition, infinite health, and a natural healing ability, and we are able to resolve any difficulty, setback, or trouble. As we continue forming this IN and passing it on to others, more and more people begin practicing it, more and more people recall their divine nature, and the momentum grows until the rebirth of humanity’s sacred consciousness is achieved.

By nature, we human beings are constantly linked with the universal divine. But along the way, we lost sight of this connection, and we became dependent on other people and on material things. We stopped believing in our infinite power and the divine spark that reside within us. The way of thinking and the selfish greed that emerged from our materialism have led to environmental pollution and destruction, unnatural disasters, and conditions of war, conflict, illness, and cruelty.


Divinity is not something that exists outside of us, but something we feel within us. The deeper within ourselves we go, the closer we come to the place where our divinity resides, in the depths of our heart. With regular practice of this IN, any of us can restore the sacred consciousness that was thought to be the domain only of saints and sages. Before long, this sacred consciousness will be revived in all humanity, and a world of peace and divinity will take shape.

Those who have formed the IN a certain number of times are thereby free to teach it to others. An instructor of this IN is known as a Ladder (rather than a leader). As Ladders, we enable others to climb to greater heights and see from a broader perspective. In a ‘laddership’ framework, everyone is on an equal footing in teaching and learning from one another.

Moreover, when we form the IN for Awakening to Humanity’s Divine Spark, we become a link connecting heaven and earth, a link connecting men and women, a link connecting young and old, and a link connecting human beings with nature. Everyone becomes a link, bridging the divides of our world. And as we pass on this IN to more and more people, we bring humanity closer to its divine awakening—to the rebirth of our sacred consciousness.

To know more about the Divine Spark IN please click here.
Or feel free to visit The Divine Spark IN website.

To register the Accomplishment of your practice 70 times please click here.

If you wish to learn the IN, please contact us, and we will try to find out if there is somebody available in your area or country.

Masami Saionji receives Barbara Fields Award

masami-saionjiByakko Chairperson Masami Saionji was the recipient of the sixth annual Dr. Barbara Fields Humanitarian Peace Award at the symposium of the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT), which took place in San Diego, California, USA from October 24-27, 2016.

The title of this year’s symposium was “Engaged Spirituality: Tools to Empower the Conscious Majority.” Masami Saionji was invited to the symposium as a speaker, along with several other notable activists including Mr. James O’Dea and Mr. Nipun Mehta, both of whom have participated in previous Symphony of Peace Prayers ceremonies at Fuji Sanctuary.

The award Mrs. Saionji received is named after AGNT Executive Director Dr. Barbara Fields, and has been awarded each year since 2011 to a woman who has dedicated her life to working for peace. Past recipients of the award include scientists, educators, and artists. Mrs. Saionji was given the award for her display of leadership, her ongoing grassroots activities for human rights and social justice, her understanding of cultural and other differences, and her efforts to bring about peace and harmony in a universally accessible way.

Mrs. Saionji accepted the award on behalf of the members and friends of Byakko Shinko Kai, who for decades have been working and praying for peace both within themselves and in the world.

A video of the whole speech and receiving of the award was posted at YouTube at The Unity Center San Diego channel. You can watch it by clicking here.






100th Birthday celebration!

A Special Day of Gratitude to Masahisa Goi

Goi Sensei 100 years 2Should he still be with us today, Masahisa Goi, late founder of Byakko Shinko Kai and the movement of world peace thru the universal prayer message, May Peace Prevail on Earth that he advocated, would be enjoying his 100th Birthday !

On November 6th, the Festival of Gratitude to Goi Sensei will bring together thousands of people from both Japan and abroad to celebrate this extraordinary man of peace, his message, his teaching, which like a guiding light, continue to illuminate and inspire our lives.

Inner peace, thru an awakening to the spark of light that inhabits each and everyone, so that true peace and harmony develop and take root naturally on our planet earth, was the essential of his philosophy.
To this effect, he proposed various means of evolving one’s own spirituality, within the daily life.
In post war era, the use of the universal prayer of peace, May Peace Prevail on Earth that can give hope and courage as well elevate both oneself and humanity, was one of the easiest, basic way that he recommended, taught and practiced.

The vision of Goi Sensei to see this prayer of peace, that transcends all isms, be used widely on the planet as a universal call for peace has been realized.
With a series of pictures, poetry, calligraphy, books and articles, with messages from people whose life he impacted, like a long story telling from yesterday to today and tomorrow, the life of this beloved spiritual teacher, visionary, a man of peace and of immense love for humanity, will be told and celebrated.

We celebrate Goi Sensei spiritual heritage, what it has brought to us both individually and globally. But the teaching of Goi Sensei is more than ever vibrant today, as humanity is on the brink of a most powerful evolutionary transformation.

Today there is an awakening to the fact that the spiritual life that we have neglected all along to the profit of the material world and its development, is essential, indeed vital.Thru an abundance of ways and practices, a return, a rebirth, to the source of our lives is called forth.
Over 60 years ago, Masahisa Goi was speaking that truth, today this spiritual search is becoming ever more present in our society at all levels.

Recent discoveries prove that our brain cells are capable of building new networks at any age, and that the speed of building the new networks is increased by euphoria generated by the prayers for the happiness of others.” Prayer Seen from Brain Science – Dr.Nakano

At long last, the world is beginning to notice that the things that are controlling this world are not political policies or systems but the invisible consciousness and prayerful heart of each individual as well as the power of our words.’ Maki Saionji at Fuji, October monthly peace prayer gathering.

Happy Birthday, Infinite gratitude and love Goi Sensei!

To get a feeling of Masahisa Goi’s life, his work, and above all how he passed on the basics of his teaching in daily life, we have selected stories as told by the people who knew him best and had a chance to live in his time, as well as some of his ever inspiring poetry.

Read here: Memories of Goi Sensei


The July Grand Ceremony 2016

September 2016 640x200The ceremony was split in two parts, with first the recitation of all the prayer texts and the various declarations which affirm the divine essence of the Self in every being, regardless; the prayers of Gratitude and 49 Words of Light. All declarations and recitations were accompanied by the appropriate IN (Mudra), perfectly performed by the thousands of people assembled, a grand display of beautiful harmony, emanating love, light and peace to the Earth and humanity.

In this energy field well prepared and after a short pause, the second part of the program started. The participants were encouraged to rid themselves of thoughts and emotions they held on, in order to transmute these energies into light, while acknowledging their original non dual form, at the Source.

Originally, dualism does not exist. However sinful and evil an action or incident may appear to be, at its origins it is a necessary process in order to manifest ‘Ware Soku Kami Nari – I am a Divine Being’. Whatever phenomenon or thought is perfect, faultless, and accomplished, they are the steps of evolution and self-creation toward our destination – awakening to our own divinity.

september ceremony 2016 2While soft music was being played, people were given time to reflect and look deep within themselves to debunk all these thought forms still present, holding them back, past present and future, judgement, incompetency, regrets, unable to forgive the past, as well fears, anxieties about the present thus the future!
And anything that denies the True Self to shine, to walk with the confidence that all is absolutely perfect, nothing is lacking, to express the Shinjin, Divine Being, to emanate that light to the world around.

Reflecting, writing these words and voicing them, with these 3 steps, these lingering thoughts being expressed blended with the high energy of the sanctuary, the air particles, transforming them into light. A big work with and on behalf of humanity took place.

This is indeed a path of simultaneous awakening of the individual and humanity, for you may think your problems are your own, but by stating your own problems, you are simultaneously expressing the similar problems held by humanity at large and transmuting them into light as well. This is a large path of simultaneous awakening through our own existences.”

Mrs. Saionji closed the ceremony with an uplifting speech in which she announced that at last, the door to a yet higher dimensional realm of vibrations had been opened at the sanctuary, saluted by applause and hugs, she concluded with a message so relevant today, may it resonate to every corner of the planet.

What is most important is to believe in yourself. If you cannot believe in yourself, you can never believe in others. If you acknowledge evil in the other and fear him, it means you still have a little bit of evil in yourself. If you have truly become light itself, you can see divinity in the other’s depth regardless. Seeing this inner light is the first step to the awakening to human divinity. Whatever person the other may be, let us consciously and infinitely see his, her divinity with our eyes and hear his, her divinity with our ears.

Infinite gratitude for the light that flew all over the sanctuary and afar. Though accumulated thoughts and emotions may still bring events to the surface, so they may be cleared, we thank the large body of Light that is working actively together with all of us, easing the process of transformation to an awakening of the Divine Spark, alive today and illuminating the new Earth.

May Peace Prevail on Earth

Masami Saionji UN Speech February 2016

un speech 2016 February 3rd, as a part of the World Interfaith Harmony Week hosted by the United Nations, Mrs Masami Saionji was invited to speak at a panel of special guests. This year, the Interfaith Harmony focused on ‘Implementing the Transformative Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals’.

In her speech at the opening New Year ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary last month, Masami Saionji spoke extensively about the role that women must come to play in all aspects of life, while urgently calling for that role to become a lot more prevalent if we are to manifest a peaceful harmonious and loving society.

In her speech at the UN, she emphasized that point even more strongly and shared about her personal engagement in that area with the recent creation of a group called Soul of Women Global Network which she is spearheading.
She took that opportunity to also introduce a project for a campaign of the same name, that will be inaugurated on May 15th during the Fuji celebration of Symphony of Peace Prayers and the one year anniversary of the launch of the Fuji Declaration.
un web screen shot
You may listen to that most inspiring speech at the UN, that brought her a resounding round of applause at the UN WEB TV website (speech starting from 1hr 21min) or at the YouTube.





Calendar of Events 2016

The Fuji sanctuary 2016 calendar of events, its ceremonies both monthly and special events, is available.

Check it, mark the dates, join us as we continue to connect in prayers and meditation for world peace, the awakening of the ‘divine spark’, the joy of constructing together a better world, harmonious, just and loving.

Thru beautiful pictures, the staff at Fuji wishes to share the Fuji sanctuary in the fall.
Infinite beauty in nature.

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An Ocean of Light for the Earth

stone map placing   A new project around the World Map at Fuji sanctuary was started this Spring in view of the Symphony of peace prayers held in May.
   The project to fill the oceans and seas around the Earth’ world map with an ocean of white stones, each one written with words of light, gratitude, love, peace, healing, harmony, was launched.
   The stones inscribed with positive words, positive energy, are being placed around the map of the world, which features also the Peace Poles planted in each country, and is overlooked by the ‘wise Globe of the Earth’, silently watching.
   Every day, at any time, members and friends visiting the sanctuary can pick up some stones and quietly, in meditation, write a message of peace, of light, of love, of infinite beauty and in gratitude to the Earth and its life.
Byakko in his teachings often works with the written words, filled with light and positive energy, with a vibration of love that is placed into the Earth, a healing, a connection, a regeneration.
   If you happen to be in Japan, get in touch for a visit at the sanctuary, you might like to enjoy the quiet and high energy of the place, and add to this Ocean of Light and deep healing for the Earth.
   Infinite peace, infinite joy, infinite beauty.
   For more on the World Map project at the Fuji sanctuary:

The Day of Gratitude

november ceremony post image 1    Fuji sanctuary November 6th, the Day of Gratitude to the late founder Masahisa Goi took place under the rain, ‘blessings of purification’ remarked Mrs Saionji, who delivered a wonderful speech filled with hope, light and peaceful energy.
     The day shone with INFINITE BRIGHTNESS !
     The many participants could enjoy the ceremonies in the morning, the reading of poetry from the late founder, evocation of his time, how it was to be around him in his all embracing LOVE.
     Mrs Saionji honored the members with gratitude to the people who have supported the work of Byakko for decades, both physically and spiritually.
     The children were at the center of the prayer for world peace, carrying the flags of the nations, assisted by parents and volunteers, it was beautiful and filled with immense joy.
     Everyone joined in singing the Divine Spark song, before enjoying dances and shopping in the wonderful ‘food and crafts market’ set up for the day.
     Let the prayer for world peace, for harmony, for love and tolerance that Masahisa Goi brought to us over 60 years ago, resonate world wide, may it continue even more so today, to be sung, danced and celebrated ! Infinite Peace !
Jinrui Soku Kami Nari, May Peace Prevail on Earth !

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